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Welcome to the Foundation's Newsroom. News releases, our Annual Report, Quarterly Newsletter and various training opportunities can be found here. 

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Breaking News...

Virginia Dental Association Foundation

Mission of Mercy Suffolk Project


Value Formula Summary

After researching varying costs of medical services as estimated by Anthem, BCBS, and private practitioners, the VAFCC has identified an average "value" of what an uninsured individual would be paying in a private facility for the services you render.  The numbers identified are as follows:

  • $126.00 per Primary Care/Non-Specialty Care Visit
  • $191.69 per Specialty Care Visit (average of numerous specialty areas)
  • $160.83 per Mental Health Visit (average of LCSW, Psychology and Psychiatrist provider). 

All numbers projected "values" are an average of no less than six different cost estimates and inclusive of the three major provider types: MD, NP, and PA.  ADDITIONALLY, we are aware that MANY clinics already have the means to calculate "value" of services.  In months and years to come, when we ask you for "value of medical services," we will defer to whichever number is higher (your formula or our formula).  We have created this formula in order to provide a means for those clinics that are currently unable to identify a "value of medical services" and are NOT attempting to overrule your current practices.  We have run many Excel formulas on these permutations and will be happy to provide each clinic individually with that information upon request. 

During the 2012 year, the member clinics of the VAFCC provided medical services valued at $54,980,469.36.  This is an incredible feat and we thank all of you for your continued efforts in the Commonwealth.  




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